Sunday, July 8, 2007


Once there was a flood in a village. The water-level was up to the door-step of the village church. Some villagers on boat persuaded the priest inside the church to flee with them. But the priest refused, and said: “God is going to help me.”

After a few minutes, the water-level rose and the priest went to the attic of the church. One more boat of villagers came and they too asked the priest to go with them. Again, the priest said God will help him.

The water-level rose still more and the priest climbed to the top most part of the Church pole. Once again, one more boat of villagers came, and they too persuaded the priest to go with them. Still, the priest said God is not going to let him down. The water-level rose even higher, and the priest drowned and died.

In the Heaven, the priest asked God: “I had so much faith in you, God. Why didn’t you help me?”

The God replied: “I tried to. I sent you three boats. You didn’t take any of them.”

Source: Deccan Herald

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